International Conference on Religion and Development

International Conference on Religion and Development
Berlin 15-18 December 2014
As the the LWF Department of Public Witness prepares for this international conference, this flyer highlights the topics that will be discussed which include:
- Map current theological discourses regarding religion and development
- Understand the new religious actors in development practice and debate (e.g., Pentecostals and Independent Churches)
- Clarify the interface between FBOs and political actors in development (current and new avenues of cooperation with UN, EU, governments and other civil society actors)
- Explore ways of enhancing the role of religion in peace building, conflict resolution and social integration
- Mobilize thinking on the role of religion in the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) debate
- Explore areas and ways of possible further project related collaboration between major actors in churches and development cooperation/research.
Department: Department for Theology and Public Witness
Program: Religion and Development
Publisher: The Lutheran World Federation/Brot für die Welt/Act Alliance