Part 02 : Bible study 1 Chronicles 7, 20 - 24: "From misfortune to the opportunity to improve one's life".

Part 02 : Bible study 1 Chronicles 7, 20 - 24: "From misfortune to the opportunity to improve one's life".
The Women and Gender Justice Network presented this week its Bible study 26, in which the pastor and professor Juliana Alonso, from the "With a Gender Perspective SEMLA" programme at Augsburg Lutheran Seminary in Mexico, develops an analysis of 1 Chronicles 7, 20 - 24 visualising the way in which Seerah manages to restore hope to her family and her immediate circle, overcoming a patriarchal context and family depression, a product of tragedy and loss. In this way, it can be a mirror in which we can look at the contexts we live in today.