Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Prof. em. Dr. Joachim Track. Photo: Augustana Hochschule LWF remembers ecumenical theologian Joachim Track LWF remembers Joachim Track as a theologian dedicated to ecumenism and dialogue. He served in LWF governance and committees for many years.
Image Iris J. Benesch, 1956-2018. Photo: LWF/Helen Putsman Penet Iris J. Benesch 1956-2018 Remembering a long serving colleague (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is mourning the passing of a long-serving and much-loved colleague. Ms. Iris J. Benesch passed away on 17 April at the age of 62 after a long battle…
Image As Vice-Moderator of the WCC Central Committee, Metropolitan Gennadios spoke at an ecumenical prayer service during the 2018 visit of Pope Francis to the WCC. Photo: Albin Hillert/WCC LWF remembers Metropolitan Gennadios of Sassima Orthodox leader with a lifelong passion for Christian unity, justice, and peace (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has expressed sincere condolences to the Ecumenical Patriarchate following the death of His Eminence…
Image Rev. Dr William G. Rusch. Photo: Yale Divinity School Recalling the legacy of Rev. Dr William G. Rusch LWF gives thanks for the work and witness of Rev. Dr William Rusch, pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (LWI) - A man who “opened many doors” through his courageous and tireless commitment to the search for Christian…
Image Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert COVID-19: LWF offers liturgies for Holy Week and Easter Worship in a time of physical distancing (LWI) - As many Christians around the world anticipate an exceptional Holy Week and Easter period without the traditional physical gathering in church for worship due to the coronavirus pandemic,…
Image LWF General Secretary Rev Dr Martin Junge (left) and President Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa. Photos: LWF/S. Gallay and LWF/Albin Hillert Churches offer “witness of hope and compassion” LWF leaders send message of thanks, support and theological reflection to mark the start of Lent (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) President Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa and General Secretary, Rev. Dr Martin Junge have…
Image Lent is “an invitation to draw closer to Christ through intentional spiritual practices, while at the same time responding to Christ’s love through compassionate action for others.” Photo: Aldo Luud/Õhtuleht. Burghardt: Lent as a time of caring for one another In an Ash Wednesday letter, LWF’s General Secretary invites Lutherans to practice fasting through compassion and service (LWI) - How are you marking the season of Lent? What are the practices in your church? In a letter to the Lutheran…