Climate Justice Charter presented to South African Parliament
This year’s National Day of Action in South Africa called for an “end to hunger, thirst, pollution and climate harm.” On this occasion, representatives of civil society,…
LWF and interfaith partners submit statement to Human Rights Council
(LWI) - The global pandemic of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and climate change are both heavily affecting those already vulnerable, and aggravating the human…
In LWF survey member churches report impact of Coronavirus
(LWI) - The Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has posed significant challenges for the member churches of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). A survey in all seven regions revealed…
(LWI) - The Ecumenical School on Governance, Economics and Management for an Economy of Life (GEM School), a training program which integrates theological reflection, critical economic…
Youth lead project to improve environment and food security
(LWI) – “Achieving food sovereignty and protecting the environment and natural resources are big challenges in our country,” said Rev. Maritza Albertina Carrillo Herrera, a…
From 1-12 December 2014, members of the LWF Youth Delegation will be sharing their personal impressions of activities and events taking place during COP20 in Lima, Peru. The first in the series, blogger Jeff Buhse of ELCIC in Manitoba…
I’ve been thinking a lot about equity and fairness, two terms used quite regularly in discussions regarding Mitigation, Adaptation, Loss and Damage, and contributions to the Green…
With a slightly lighter tone, I think it is a good time to comment on the fashion styling’s of several COP delegates and observers. International conferences are always a good time to see…
Allison Westerhoff, a communications officer with the Lutheran church in Southern Africa, applauds efforts to encourage young church members in Tanzania to think green.
The Majengo Lutheran Parish in Moshi, Tanzania, is a…
Nous savons d’où nous venons car l’histoire de la création a été racontée dans la Bible. Les scientifiques ont aussi fait leur récit de la création. Nous savons d’où nous venons car l’histoire du climat à travers les ères géographiques, les…