Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Towards a convivial economy: the contribution of a re-formed community diakonia in Europe Towards a Convivial Economy is a result of a further phase of sharing concepts and practices of conviviality – described as the art and practice of
Image Omatala Omatala is an Oshiwambo word for “marketplace”; for The Lutheran World Twelfth Assembly, the Omatala is a space for encounter, creativity
Image Women on the Move postcards Commemorations of the 500 years of Reformation normally highlight important actors, principally the male names of history: Martin Luther, Jean Calv
Image Joint Common Prayer Letter An invitation letter to Catholic Bishops’ Conferences Bishops, Presidents and Leaders of the Lutheran World Federation member churches.
Image New Year Message 2016: "Every single one counts under God's reign” “… If a shepherd has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of t
Image Message from the African LWF Church Leadership Consultation Marangu, Tanzania, 26 May 2015 Publisher: The Lutheran World Federation
Image Resolution from the European LWF Church Leadership Consultation Trondheim, Norway, 14 May 2015 Publisher: The Lutheran World Federation
Image Marangu 2015 worship program The worship program of the 60th anniversary of the celebrated first gathering of African Lutherans as a communion has uplifting and inspiring songs
Image Journeying Together: LWF Communion in Africa 1955-2015 Journeying Together examines the momentous coming together of African Lutherans for the first time, in 1955 and the legacy of that event in the lif
Image Message from the LWF European Regions' Conference 2014 This message comes from the 2014 meeting of the three LWF regions in Europe (Central Eastern Europe, Central Western Europe, Nordic Countries).