An integral expression of the journey from conflict to communion
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has begun preparations for worship life at its Thirteenth Assembly in 2023, in Krakow, Poland, under the theme “One Body, One…
Information in four languages on assembly theme, host church and ongoing preparations
KRAKOW, Poland/GENEVA (LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has launched a multi-lingual website for its Thirteenth Assembly that will take place…
Faith actors acting on climate, environment, and nature protection
(LWI) – People of faith are called “to live in harmony with creation and not abuse, misuse or exhaust it,” said The Lutheran World Federation’s (LWF) General Secretary,…
Looking forward to gathering as a global communion
(LWI) – In a letter sent to member churches, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), General Secretary Anne Burghardt called for nominations of delegates to the…
International Worship Planning Committee meets in Kraków, Poland
(LWI) – “Building contacts with the host church formed an important part of our visit,” said Kinga Marjatta Pap, chairperson of the International Worship Planning Committee…
Refugees, host communities testify to impact of World Service program in Uganda
(LWI) - Supporting more than 700,000 refugees in the country, testimonies abound to the impact of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) World Service program in…