Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Council 2014 Documents - Décisions du Conseil 2014 The LWF’s governing body between Assemblies came together for its annual meeting in 2014 under the theme, “Like a Tree Planted by Streams of Water.
Image Council 2014 Documents - Dokumente in deutscher Sprache The LWF’s governing body between Assemblies came together for its annual meeting in 2014 under the theme, “Like a Tree Planted by Streams of Water.
Image Council 2014 Documents - Ecumenical Greetings and Schedule The LWF’s governing body between Assemblies came together for its annual meeting in 2014 under the theme, “Like a Tree Planted by Streams of Water.
Image Council 2014 Documents - Council Exhibits The LWF’s governing body between Assemblies came together for its annual meeting in 2014 under the theme, “Like a Tree Planted by Streams of Water.
Image Council 2014 Documents - Resolutions & Public Statements The LWF’s governing body between Assemblies came together for its annual meeting in 2014 under the theme, “Like a Tree Planted by Streams of Water.
Image Statement - International Symposium on “Religious Identity and Renewal. Jewish, Christian and Muslim Explorations" Thirty Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars from many different countries and traditions met at Seattle University, 10-14 August 2014, together to
Image A Call for Justice and Dignity for Roma People | 12 Recommendations to Churches, Church-Related Organizations and Christians in Europe A framework for European member churches and church-related bodies guiding relationships with Roma.
Image Gender Justice toolbox cover Gender Justice toolbox Working together for a just, peaceful and reconciled world