Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image “Women on the Move: From Wittenberg to Windhoek” Toolkit The project “Women on the Move: From Wittenberg to Windhoek” (WMWW) celebrates the leadership and participation of women in the ongoing Reformation
Image “It will not be so among you!” | A Faith Reflection on Gender and Power This resource of biblical and theological reflections highlights global experiences within the framework of the former Gender and Power program coo
Image Churches say “No” to Violence against Women | Action Plan for the Churches This action plan for the churches is a challenge to LWF member churches to face the painful issue of violence against women in all its forms presen
Image The Continuing Journey: Women’s Participation in the Lutheran World Federation Decided by the LWF Assembly gathered at Evian in 1970, the women desk at the LWF became operational in 1972.
LWF Gender Justice Policy Video This video introduces the LWF’s gender justice principles and methodology and develops the biblical grounding that sustains this policy.