Deforestation and freedom of religion in the world were themes in the opening worship of the LWF 2014 council meeting in Medan, Indonesia. The service took place in Jalan Sudirman church in Medan, belonging to the Christian Batak Protestant…
Council members of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) expressed solidarity with the people most affected by climate change and severe weather events by joining in the Fast for the Climate campaign and calling upon the Lutheran Communion to join…
Member churches of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) have increased their commitment to the communion in the fiscal year 2013, Christina Jackson-Skelton, Chairperson of the LWF Finance Committee reported to the LWF Council meeting 2014 in Medan…
Indonesian member churches of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) have planted partner trees for the ones in the Wittenberg Luther Garden at the Ecumenical Centre of the Council of Protestant Indonesian Churches in North Sumatra on 15 June 2014.…
What do Justin Bieber and the cross of Christ have in common? In Mamre orphanage in the town of Pemantang Siantar, they are both very important to a group of six school girls who put both up on the wall,…
More than 40 participants, including 29 young people, took part in a four- day “Training the Trainers” (1- 4 July) course in Papua aimed at helping to prevent the spread of HIV in the Indonesian province …
“I learn to take care of myself. I learn to discipline myself” says 16-year old Lilli in impeccable English. She has one more year of school before she plans to study accounting. The girl who looks much younger lives at Rumah (house)…
In 2012, Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani girl then twelve years old, was shot in the head by a member of the Tehrik-e-Taliban, a tribal-political formation in Pakistan. While she recovered shortly thereafter,…
Bishop emeritus Dr Busi Suneel Bhanu is on the seven-member LWF study group on Lutheran engagement in the public space. He reflects on the Indian context and expectations about the process.
One of the main issues discussed at the Asia Church Leadership Conference held in Taipei, Taiwan, 12–15 April 2015, was the need to strengthen the cooperation of Lutheran theological seminaries and colleges in Asia.…