Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Bishop Fredrick Onael Shoo from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania’s (ELCT) Northern Diocese. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert Twenty-years of tree-planting for a sustainable future
Image Ms Rose Bangura, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sierra Leone, sharing about "Strengthening Gender Justice in Homes and Communities" project. Photo: LWF/ELCT Vincent Mputa Diakonia at the heart of community transformation in Africa Regional workshop showcases best practices that are changing lives and perceptions (LWI) – Church-run initiatives to take street children back to school, advocate against harmful traditional practices and address gender injustice…
Image Participants of the Climate Justice Forum meeting in Tanzania, joined by ELCT Bishop Fredrik Shoo (center). Photo: ELCT Africa: A faith-based roadmap for climate justice Drawing on experience and taking further steps to counter the climate emergency (LWI) – “The goal of the meeting was to strengthen our advocacy for climate justice by developing a faith-based roadmap for climate action in the Africa…
Image Participants in the third group of the TGLE program at Tumaini University Makumira in Arusha, Tanzania. Photo: LWF/K: Kiilunen Empowered for change: new graduates of theology, gender justice and leadership program TGLE third cohort participants encouraged to be “a catalyst of change in church and society” (LWI) – A hands-on-deck experience, is how South African pastor Rev. Thabani Magnificent Duma described his participation in a year-long training…
Image Message from the African LWF Church Leadership Consultation Marangu, Tanzania, 26 May 2015 Publisher: The Lutheran World Federation
Image Worship in African Contexts of Holism and Crisis The publication explores four specific questions: What, from an African perspective, is worship?