Muslim chaplain Naveed Baig looks at the religious role of pastoral care givers, and what they learn about the image of God from their patients. This blog post builds on his presentation at the LWF-led International…
In this Voices from the Communion, youth delegate Nora Antonsen shares her passion for climate justice, entrepreneurship and youth empowerment - values shaped by her experience with LWF’s delegation at COP in Glasgow…
(LWI)– What does “liberated by God’s grace” mean for Lutheran churches and societies in Europe? How do the region’s experiences and challenges provide new perspectives for…
Panelists at LWF European church gathering describe varying contexts
(LWI) – “From what have we been liberated and how do we use that freedom?” That was the question discussed on 12 May at The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) regional…
LWF European ‘Young Reformers’ explore questions of Lutheran identity
(LWI) – Participants in the first meeting of young reformers from the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) member churches in Europe have begun exploring ways they can…
Ecumenical, advocacy and interfaith perspectives at LWF Europe gathering
(LWI) – A second panel discussion at The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) regional consultation in Trondheim, Norway, offered ecumenical, advocacy and interfaith…
Governments urged to create safe passage corridors
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) member churches in Europe have declared their commitment to increase efforts to welcome refugees “in our midst.”
OSLO, Norway/GENEVA, 23 November 2015 (LWI) - Later this month, a landmark United Nations (UN) summit on climate change, in short COP21, begins in Paris, France. As the world’s political leaders come together to set environmental policy…
(LWI) – A series of consultations for Christian and Muslim scholars organized by The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in partnership with academic institutions is growing into a network of scholars and people of faith seeking deeper conversations…