Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Gender Justice Advocate Ms. Aissatou from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cameroon at the 2023 LWF Assembly in Kraków, Poland. Photo: LWF 16 Days: Unite to end violence against women and girls LWF urges churches and partners to join the campaign to end sexual and gender-based violence (LWI) - Now is the time to unite and act to end gender-based violence which is a both a sin and “one of the most pervasive violations of human…
Image At Château de Bossey, near Geneva: participants at the December 2024 LWF Gender Justice Consultation make notes about their journey for gender justice. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert Asian churches join LWF’s theology, gender justice and leadership training Online classes for first cohort of 25 participants (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has extended its annual training program on Theology, Gender Justice, and Leadership Education (TGLE) to its member churches in Asia. The…
Image LWF Organogram 2023 Communion Office Organogram This document contains the internal organization of the Communion Office.
Image The Lutheran World Federation 2018 Facts and Figures Established in 1947, the LWF is a global communion of 148 member church with 75 million members in 99 countries.
Image Good Friday Message 2018 The cross of crucifixion was chosen by early Christians as the symbol of their faith simply because of what it captured so precisely, writes the LW
Image Joint LWF - PCPCU statement on Reformation Day 2017 The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) have issued a joint statement on Reformation D
Image LWF Annual Report 2023 | In Christ, all things hold together LWF Annual Report 2022 In Christ, all things hold together
Image The Continuing Journey: Women’s Participation in the Lutheran World Federation Decided by the LWF Assembly gathered at Evian in 1970, the women desk at the LWF became operational in 1972.