The LWF General Secretary Rev Dr Anne Burghardt visited Jerusalem and the West Bank, witnessing firsthand the impact of the current conflict on the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, and the LWF Jerusalem program.
LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr. Anne Burghardt visited the LWF member church in the Holy Land and the LWF World Service program in Jerusalem from 18-25 January 2023. She was deeply impressed by the work of the LWF Vocational Training Centers and…
Augusta Victoria Hospital Offers Medical Team Support and Supplies
(LWI) – As the number of civilians caught in the conflict between Israel and Hamas increases, the Holy Land Lutheran Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan and representatives…
Local church school building is converted into a training center
(LWI) - The new Lutheran World Federation (LWF) vocational training center in Ramallah, Palestine, is about to take shape: On Sunday, 1 March Bishop Sani Ibrahim Azar of…