Danielle Dokman from Suriname was elected to the LWF Council as a youth delegate in 2010. The decision to follow this call significantly influenced her decision to become a pastor and her further life.
Living in unconditional discipleship following Christ
(LWI) - “We have much to learn from the Anabaptist churches,” said Bishop Friedrich Kramer of the Evangelical Church in Central Germany at an ecumenical service in the…
As global leaders at the UN summit charted a new path for a sustainable future this week, a Finnish youth pastor reflected on shared Christian responsibility in protecting and preserving creation.
GINEBRA (LWI) – El día 2 de agosto es una fecha muy especial para la Facultad Luterana de Teología (FLT) de la Iglesia Evangélica de Confesión Luterana en el Brasil (IECLB) y para Larissa Gebien Henkels, la primera persona ciega en concluir su...