At an information session about the present situation in Syria, Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, LWF World Service Global Program Coordinator, informed about the present situation in the war and crisis-shaken Syria.
Acts of violence directed at international organizations in Rakhine state, western Myanmar on 26 March have directly affected the LWF. As a result, our Myanmar program has evacuated its staff from the regional…
Salaam and grace to you from Jerusalem in the name of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. “Peace be with you,” Jesus tells Thomas after the Resurrection.
Indonesian young people once again have been committed to promoting a self-identity as being a peaceful nation in its plurality. Pluralism has been lived in the nation since far before the national independence…
Council members of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) expressed solidarity with the people most affected by climate change and severe weather events by joining in the Fast for the Climate campaign and calling upon the Lutheran Communion to join…
Sabha is a Jordanian woman and mother of eight living in Mafraq, northern Jordan, where her family of ten shares a cramped ground-floor apartment. In the hot summer months, the apartment is so crowded that some…
Meet one of the 2500 Humanitarian Heroes at the forefront of the LWF’s emergency response. On World Humanitarian Day (19 August) we pay special tribute to their commitment to assist - often at great personal risk - those facing violence,…
Meet one of the 2500 Humanitarian Heroes at the forefront of the LWF’s emergency response. On World Humanitarian Day (19 August) we pay special tribute to their commitment to assist - often at great personal risk - those facing violence,…
The LWF team has arrived in northern Iraq. Currently they are assessing the situation to plan how best to assist people fleeing conflict in the Mosul area. Sharma Tulasi, team leader of the LWF/DWS Asia Emergency Response Hub, gives a first…
“I learn to take care of myself. I learn to discipline myself” says 16-year old Lilli in impeccable English. She has one more year of school before she plans to study accounting. The girl who looks much younger lives at Rumah (house)…