Presence in Heaven’s Tent and youthPointreformation
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) presence in Wittenberg at the World Reformation Exhibition in the last two weeks of July will feature the work of LWF World Service and the Global…
LWF Central America work shared at side event of High Level Forum
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has asserted its support for the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), acknowledging the important role of…
LWF livelihoods projects support long-term refugees in Ethiopia
“When I have learned all this, I will start a tailoring business to provide for my family,” says Faiza Mahmud Said. The elderly woman in the yellow headscarf cuts white paper…
Experiences of refugees and LWF field staff in conflict areas
The past years have witnessed a constant reduction of space for humanitarians to provide aid. Civilians and aid workers find themselves between the lines. The protection of the…
Incessant rainfalls and floods have caused death and destruction in Southern Nepal. According to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA), 143 people have been killed, 43 injured and 30 have gone missing in…
LWF Accelerated Learning Program supports students from conflict zones
Rose Imoya Banner is what the little girls call a “big mama”. At the age of 24, the young woman is not only an exception from the other students of the Bahr El Nahm…
East Africa’s largest refugee crisis needs more support
"The militia shoot at anybody, we have lost mothers, fathers, siblings and children to their attacks," says 35-year-old Watson Odaga, a South Sudanese refugee in Palabek settlement,…