In a public statement, the Thirteenth LWF Assembly voiced concerns about the violence and loss of lives in Israel-Palestine, calling upon the international community and the Government of Israel to respect and ensure access to…
In a public statement, the Thirteenth LWF Assembly called for solidarity with member churches and other communities who are living as minorities in Asia, and for the protection of their human rights and dignity.
“Delighted to see the scope for our joint work expand”
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, extending over 50…
LWF’s integrated humanitarian support reaches over 640,000 people in need
(LWI) - Support to nursing mothers and their babies is one of the approaches that the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) uses in Uganda to ensure nutritious diets,…
Water essential for protection in times of COVID-19
(LWI) - One year after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic; many people still live without access to clean and safe water. "Access to water is still a problem in many places where we work…