(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is urgently calling for support to people affected by the flooding in South Sudan. Unusually heavy rains have caused the Nile to rise and…
LWF concludes education project which supports schools and communities
(LWI) - Teacher trainings, school improvement projects, school kits, vocational training and counselling for out-of-school youth - thousands of Syrian and Iraqi…
(LWI) - From everyday life into chaos: For the people affected by the recent conflict in Ethiopia, life as they knew it ended abruptly with the military offensive in the Tigray region. Even…
Webinar from refugee camp in Kenya, brings voices of young refugees
(LWI) - Young women in Kakuma refugee camp face many obstacles when aiming for equal opportunities as men and boys. In a webinar: “Emerging Women who Choose to Challenge…
Water essential for protection in times of COVID-19
(LWI) - One year after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic; many people still live without access to clean and safe water. "Access to water is still a problem in many places where we work…
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and its partners in southwestern Uganda are responding to a new wave of refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) who are fleeing…