The challenge of providing primary education for all in Dadaab refugee camps
(LWI) - If she had the nationality of the country in which she lives, Sowdo Mohamed Kilas, 18, would have been admitted to one of the best secondary schools in…
More than 110 young Lutherans expected for LWF Youth Pre-Assembly in Ondangwa
(LWI) – Young pastors and youth leaders from the three member churches of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in Namibia have launched preparations for the…
LWF supports communities with schools, teacher training and student kits
(LWI) - The noise of 150 primary school children in one room is deafening. In colourful clothes they sit on the floor of a “Temporary Learning Space” (TLS) in Nget…
(LWI) - Women and men from all regions of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) are taking part in the first LWF seminar for lay people in church leadership positions, from 19 to 28 January at the LWF Center…
Delegates from three LWF regions meet in Höör, Sweden
(LWI) – “The Pre-Assembly in Europe is an important meeting on the way to the global gathering of Lutheran churches, the LWF Assembly,” Rev. Dr Ireneusz Lukas, area secretary for…
Festive worship with local congregation at beginning of European Pre-Assembly
HŐŐR, Sweden/ GENEVA, 1 February 2017 (LWI) – Following Christ means to recognize and share suffering and vulnerability, said Church of Sweden Archbishop Antje…
Last week delegates from The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) member churches in Europe met in Höör, Sweden, to prepare for the 12th LWF Assembly and strengthen the communion of churches.
(LWI)-Preparations for The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Twelfth Assembly and Reformation anniversary offer churches opportunity to raise greater awareness about the free gift of God’s…