Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Iglesias Miembro Los miembros de la FLM representan a más de 78 millones de cristianos de tradición luterana en 99 países de todo el mundo. Tiene 151 iglesias miembro, incluidas dos iglesias miembro asociadas, así como diez iglesias y congregaciones reconocidas y dos consejos reconocidos.
Image Samah, a beneficiary of the Breaking the Cycle of Fear program, shares her story but prefers to keep her face hidden. Photo: LWF/Jordan Jordan: Breaking the cycle of fear and abuse An LWF program equips survivors of violence with tools to overcome fear and transform their lives (LWI) - Breaking the Cycle of Fear is the name of an initiative which has been pioneered by the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in Jordan to…
Image Former LWF Country director Koepp in Kakuma. Photo: Robert Koepp Kakuma: A new home for the “Lost Boys” Former Country Director Koepp shares memories of LWF’s humanitarian work in Kenya It is heartening to see that LWF World Service has steadfastly supported Kakuma Refugee Camp for so long. My first experience with the area was in…
Image LWF WS Strategy 2025-2031 English LWF World Service Global Strategy 2025-2031 For Hope and a Future
Image Ali Alsamrah in Homs, his home city. Photo: LWF/ A. Alsamrah Returning to Syria: A journey of hope and heartbreak LWF staff Ali Alsamrah shares impressions from his return to Syria For ten years, I dedicated myself to community development inside Syria, working tirelessly to help rebuild lives amid turmoil alongside different humanitarian actors. But…
Image Students and teachers at the opening of the Pishanka school in Kharkiv. Photo: LWF/ L. Gillabert LWF and UNHCR open underground schools in Kharkiv, Ukraine "A chance to save a generation” (LWI) – “It’s so exciting! I haven’t been in school for so long. I haven’t seen my friends for so long. I really like seeing my teachers!” For three years, 14-year-old Anastasia Stoychan has been…
Image “Together in Hope” Declaration of Intent between Caritas Internationalis and The Lutheran World Federation – World Service
Image Statement on peace talks in Colombia by the General Secretary of The Lutheran World Federation, Rev. Dr Martin Junge The LWF expressed appreciation and support for the start of peace talks between the Colombian government and the National Liberation Army (ELN), on
Image ACT Palestine Forum on violence in Palestine and Israel The ACT Palestine Forum, of which the LWF is a member, condemns the loss of life and human suffering across Palestine and in Israel in October 2015
Image LWF World Service Myanmar Annual Report 2012 Annual Report 2012 of the LWF Myanmar program on the 2012 accomplishments explored and expanded through representative human interest stories from