(LWI) - The LWF has proved itself an organization recognised for high quality work and for networking with diverse groups of people, Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa says.
(LWI) “I am learning to engage in international dialogues and build up relations with different people,” says Elizabeth Silayo (38), summing up her experiences. “I understand the world as God´s…
“Called to witness together to God’s grace in this world”
(LWI) Lund Cathedral in Sweden has not seen a Catholic mass since the time of the Reformation 500 years ago. But starting 21 October this year, the Cathedral where the…
(LWI) - “Unity is a gift of God, given to us at the price of Christ’s blood at the cross. Therefore, unity is for free, yet it is very costly,” the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) General…