From 1-12 December 2014, members of the LWF Youth Delegation will be sharing their personal impressions of activities and events taking place during COP20 in Lima, Peru. The first in the series, blogger Jeff Buhse of ELCIC in Manitoba…
The delegation of the Lutheran World Federation at the UN climate talks COP20 in Peru have taken centre stage with powerful symbolic actions that have captured the imagination of media and negotiators.
Martha Spangler, member of the LWF delegation to COP20
I greeted more people than I could count this morning as busloads of observers, official delegates, and press from around the globe emptied out into the entrance of the…
I’ve been thinking a lot about equity and fairness, two terms used quite regularly in discussions regarding Mitigation, Adaptation, Loss and Damage, and contributions to the Green…
On last Tuesday some of us in the delegation took some time away from the COP20 and travelled out to visit the congregation, Vida Nueva, in the district of San Juan de Miraflores. Vida Nueva is a young…
This past Sunday, our delegation from the LWF to the COP 20 had the privilege to attend a church service here in Lima. Amidst the constant talk of mitigation, adaptation, climate finance—acronyms such as ADP, INDC's,…
With a slightly lighter tone, I think it is a good time to comment on the fashion styling’s of several COP delegates and observers. International conferences are always a good time to see…
For those who have no idea about what is going on with Climate Change negotiations at the global level, I will try to make my points as simply as possible, without any technical abbreviations or jargon. First, let’s…