LWF World Service Kenya - Djibouti Program representative Lennart Hernander urges leaders to put human rights at the fore of decisions concerning refugee camps in Kenya.
Impressions of Burundi through the World Cup cycle
As football fanatics were watching the 1994 FIFA World Cup, large-scale violence had already broken out in Burundi and elsewhere in the African Great Lakes region. In…
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) signed a project agreement in June to promote inter-religious tolerance and…
For the people of Ethiopia, climate change is a present, not a future challenge
I work on the frontlines, in humanitarian and development assistance dealing with the devastating effects of climate and conflict-induced crises on people and…
Food is the highest priority in the camps for internally displaced persons (IDP) in Mekelle. The number of those spontaneously set up camps has grown from 14 at the end of March to a total of 21…