Commemorating the Reformation by sponsoring refugees
In a first of its kind, staff from the three Lutheran bodies in Canada have jointly welcomed a Syrian refugee family to Canada marking the beginning of a year-long commitment.
(LWI) – Representatives of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) member churches in Tanzania and Germany met in Wittenberg, Germany, where they reflected on the Reformation and its global…
Junge: LWF churches share the vocation of serving people in need
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has received with deep gratitude a "significant" contribution of EUR 15,000 from the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg…
LWF committee to discuss funding for member church projects
(LWI) – The joys and challenges faced by Lutheran churches across the global communion will come to the fore at a Lutheran World Federation (LWF) meeting to discuss funding for…
Lutheran communion support is important and much needed
(LWI) – They are sitting in a circle on the floor, eagerly listening to teacher Almaz Tesfaldet reading out from a booklet of Bible stories for children. Aged between four and six…
Perceptions are changing about the church and people living with HIV
(LWI) - India’s Lutheran churches are reaching out to people living with HIV in a context in which the epidemic is slowing down but poverty and stigma pose major…
Tanzanian Lutheran pastor Sandewa shares his personal experience
(LWI) – While the number of people affected by HIV and AIDS in Tanzania has increased since the first three cases reported in 1983, remarkable progress in prevention and…
(LWI) – When a Lutheran network of door-to-door carers of people living with HIV in Swaziland was started three years ago, its staff were ostracised in much the same way as the people they were…
Workshop for diaconal workers in Latin American churches
(LWI) - A three-day gathering of Lutheran church leaders and diaconal workers from Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) confirmed the need for ongoing sharing of strategies and…