A pianist since the age of 12, who went on to become the first woman president of a French Protestant church, Rev. Emmanuelle Seyboldt reflects on leadership and “the Bible at the center of my life.”
This year’s LWF retreat for newly elected heads of churches offered space to reflect on being a leader in different contexts, and sharing practices that drive church engagement, growth and unity.
UN representative underlines critical role of faith communities in the global fight against sexual and gender-based violence, and Lutheran church leaders share their churches’ response.
The head of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land says the biggest challenge is to accompany families who live in fear for their lives as the conflict between Hamas and the Israeli army continues.
The new document on Lutheran identity is the fruit of a four-year process exploring the wide variety of languages, cultures, forms of worship, spirituality, service and public witness through which that identity is expressed…
Pastors, staff, and volunteers from LWF member churches in Eastern Europe supporting refugees from Ukraine met for a consultation on pastoral care and psychosocial first aid.
Embodying unity is vital in a world that wants to tear us apart and keep us separated, says Rev. Danielle Dokman as she looks forward to preaching at the opening worship service in Krakow in September.
In this ‘Voices from the Communion’, Pastor Carsten Gerdes, Dean of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy, reflects on the recent European Pre-Assembly and how to build connections between churches across the region.
Church growth and stricter government regulations regarding the training of pastors are reasons for the Lutheran Church of Rwanda to prioritize theological education.