Indonesian member churches of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) have planted partner trees for the ones in the Wittenberg Luther Garden at the Ecumenical Centre of the Council of Protestant Indonesian Churches in North Sumatra on 15 June 2014.…
Prior to the 2014 LWF Council meeting in Medan, Indonesia, the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) in North Sumatra opened its doors for Lutherans to visit the institute and engage in a dialogical conversation on…
What do Justin Bieber and the cross of Christ have in common? In Mamre orphanage in the town of Pemantang Siantar, they are both very important to a group of six school girls who put both up on the wall,…
I started to help working to put together the international interfaith symposium “Religious Identity and Renewal: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Explorations” shortly after the idea was conceived by Dr Simone Sinn…
More than 40 participants, including 29 young people, took part in a four- day “Training the Trainers” (1- 4 July) course in Papua aimed at helping to prevent the spread of HIV in the Indonesian province …
Seattle, 12 August 2014. The symposium titled “Religious Identity and Renewal: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Explorations” is off to a strong and inspiring start. Coorganized by the Lutheran World Federation and…
I recently sat down with Celene Ayat Ibrahim-Lizzio (Islamic Studies Scholar-in-Residence at Hebrew College and Andover Newton Theological School), Marcie Lenk (Shalom Hartman Institute Research Fellow and its…
Meet one of the 2500 Humanitarian Heroes at the forefront of the LWF’s emergency response. On World Humanitarian Day (19 August) we pay special tribute to their commitment to assist - often at great personal risk - those facing violence,…
The current outbreak of Ebola in West Africa began in Guinea in March, 2014, and quickly spread across the border into Sierra Leone and Liberia. Eastern Sierra Leone has been seriously hit by the epidemic. (…