Celebrating 25 years of Lutheran women’s ordination in Tanzania’s Northern Diocese
(LWI) - More than 10 percent of ordained pastors in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) are women, and nearly all the church’s 24 dioceses…
As the global community marks 2016 World AIDS Day today, 1 December, hundreds of church workers throughout The Lutheran World Federation communion in local congregations, communities and at global level, are raising awareness of the need to fight…
LWF urges Human Rights Council to work with religious leaders
(LWI) - For members of one Lutheran diocese in Tanzania, there is no place for the persecution of people with albinism - an affliction that blights not only their community and…
(LWI) - Church unity, sustainability, and a vibrant church were key topics at a recent retreat of bishops, management team, youth and women leaders of the…