Festive worship with local congregation at beginning of European Pre-Assembly
HŐŐR, Sweden/ GENEVA, 1 February 2017 (LWI) – Following Christ means to recognize and share suffering and vulnerability, said Church of Sweden Archbishop Antje…
Last week delegates from The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) member churches in Europe met in Höör, Sweden, to prepare for the 12th LWF Assembly and strengthen the communion of churches.
(LWI) – The Joint Catholic-Lutheran Commemoration of the Reformation co-hosted by The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Catholic Church in Lund Cathedral and Malmö Arena on 31 October last year has inspired further ecumenical steps in Lund…
Week-long celebrations mark Reformation anniversary in Sweden
(LWI) – The Church of Sweden is commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation with week-long celebrations featuring divine services, newly composed music and lectures…
“Called to witness together to God’s grace in this world”
(LWI) Lund Cathedral in Sweden has not seen a Catholic mass since the time of the Reformation 500 years ago. But starting 21 October this year, the Cathedral where the…
Teaching young church members about the faith and traditions of the church
(LWI) An application named Church (Kyrkan in Swedish) puts children in front and centre. Interactive games offer young children a chance to use smartphones and…
LWF provides education for children excluded from formal system
(LWI) - Seven-year old Ma Khin Nu flashes a big smile when she enters the Lutheran World Federation’s (LWF) temporary learning center in Ohn Taw Gyi camp, Myanmar. The bright…