In this interview, Rev. Halina Radacz talks about her journey to become a pastor, her Lutheran identity as a person belonging to a minority group in Polish society, and her church’s long process to ordain women.
In the tranquil settings of the Polish countryside, 177 Ukrainian child refugees found a brief sanctuary and a break from the war. Organized by the Lutheran World Federation, these holiday camps not only offered fun-filled…
The Lutheran congregation in Krakow is one of the oldest in the world. It was founded soon after the Reformation. In this Voices from the Communion, Rev. Łukasz Ostruszka speaks about his ministry in Polish society today and about living…
LWF supports twelve Ukrainian refugee students who attend the Albert-Schweitzer- School in Gliwice, Poland, a Protestant school with a Lutheran profile. This is a great support for them and their families.…
One year after the war in Ukraine started, refugees in Poland feel torn between their old life and their new situation. The LWF community centers support local integration while preserving culture and language.…
Poland hosts 1.5 million officially registered refugees from Ukraine. Twenty live in Betania, a holiday home of The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland in the Cieszyn Diocese near Bielsko-Biala.
Women fleeing the war in Ukraine are at risk of gender-based violence: Leaving a war zone, passing checkpoints, and settling in an unknown country with limited financial resources and dependent family members make them vulnerable to exploitation…
LWF expands its refugee response in Poland into the areas of protection, social cohesion, and education. A workshop on community based psychosocial support equipped Ukrainian refugee staff from around the country for the new tasks.