Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ by caring for our common home
Climate is changing. The atmosphere of the public debate on environmental protection is also changing. COP 24 clearly showed that conversations about joint actions to protect…
LWF and partners applaud steps towards establishment of a legally binding global tax convention to save billions of dollars in lost revenues for development, social and environmental protection
In a public statement, the Thirteenth LWF Assembly called on churches to continue raising their voices for a more just global economic system and a legally binding UN Convention on Taxation to ensure a fairer distribution of the world’s wealth…
In a public statement, the Thirteenth LWF Assembly called for solidarity with member churches and other communities who are living as minorities in Asia, and for the protection of their human rights and dignity.
Focuses on Polish Context, Churches say NO to Violence Against Women
(LWI) – The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland held a conference in Warsaw on 19 November aimed at showcasing the Lutheran World Federation’s (LWF…
Seven young people bring the Lutheran communion experience to COP 24
(LWI) -The planet’s future lies in the balance as world leaders, civil society and climate activists meet in Katowice, a coal mining town in Poland, to figure out how to…