We often hear people saying young people are the leaders of tomorrow but how often do we consciously allow and provide our young people with the responsibilities and opportunities to lead? As much as we, youth, would like to be the change,…
Interview with Rev. Philip Lok of the Lutheran Church in Malaysia
(LWI) - Interfaith relations and holistic mission were among the topics discussed at the Lutheran Churches in Asia meeting in Malaysia from 18 to 19 March 2014. In…
(LWI) – Following a court ruling on the use of the word ‘Allah’ in Malay Bibles, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has reaffirmed solidarity with and support to Malay (Bahasa Malaysia)…
(LWI) – Inspired by the international dialogue between The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Catholic Church, Malaysia’s Lutherans have initiated discussions for closer collaboration among Christians in the country.