From his home in Assisi, St. Francis wrote a prayer of thanksgiving called the Canticle of Creation, which begins “Praise be to you, my Lord, for all your…
As the Caritas network of Catholic aid and development agencies elects a new leadership team, LWF highlights the importance of longstanding ecumenical cooperation in humanitarian response
GENEVA, 7 October 2013 (LWI) – Lutheran World Federation General Secretary Rev. Martin Junge has expressed shock and distress at the latest tragic drownings of migrants seeking to reach the…
LWF Vice-Presidents Reflect on Hopes and Challenges in Church and Society
(LWI) - “Listening, Serving, Empowering-Being Church in a Transforming Europe,” was the theme of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) European Regions’ Conference,…
(LWI) – Leaders of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) member churches in Europe have expressed their solidarity with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy (ELCI) for its committed…
(LWI) – Rome’s new Piazza Martin Lutero is not only a sign that Lutherans are welcome in the cosmopolitan Italian city but a reminder of Luther’s call for Christians to proclaim the gospel…
Humanitarian corridors – an ecumenical initiative to help refugees
(LWI) “The humanitarian corridors work! That became clear to us when, on 4 February 2016, we welcomed 6-year-old Falak from Homs in Syria to Italy, with her parents and…