Greater Visibility of Advocacy and Human Rights Work
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) accepted the Guatemalan Lutheran Church (ILUGUA) into membership at the June 2014 Council meeting in Indonesia, bringing the total…
Lutheran communion supports rural farming communities who lost everything
(LWI) – For Gregorio Pérez, a leader of the indigenous Maya Chortí in Guatemala’s southeastern department of Chiquimula, the rising number of Coronavirus (COVID-19…
ZACAPA / Guatemala (LWI) – Durante los días 19 al 23 de Febrero, líderes y lideresas indígenas Chortí de la Iglesia Luterana Guatemalteca (ILUGUA) participaron del segundo seminario de formación bíblico teológica. Esta capacitación responde al...