(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) governing body has called for greater church engagement to enhance holistic life, equal citizenship, peace-building, democracy and inclusiveness.
(LWI) - Women and men from all regions of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) are taking part in the first LWF seminar for lay people in church leadership positions, from 19 to 28 January at the LWF Center…
LWF ready for a new and exciting chapter of ecumenical relations
(LWI) - “Don’t stop now!” was the message of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge when he addressed a public symposium in Augsburg…
Church leaders affirm ecumenical commitment to justice and human dignity
(LWI) - Bishops from German Lutheran churches have reaffirmed the commitment to promoting the spirit of Europe as a community of countries. “We owe it to a Europe in…
GNC/LWF scholarship holders grateful for widened horizons
(LWI) – Studying abroad, getting to know a different culture and language, taking up impulses from theology and church: every year about 35 students from member churches of the…
Bible study at 3rd Ecumenical Kirchentag in Germany
(LWI) – Oppression does not end when we look away from it. On the contrary, by looking at violence, evil, and oppression, we can address it, said the Lutheran World Federation (LWF)…