Rev. Dr Anne Burghardt
Our General Secretary, Rev. Dr Anne Burghardt, is the first woman and first person from Central Eastern Europe to hold this office.
She was elected by the LWF Council at its 2021 meeting and assumed office on 1 November 2021.
Rev. Dr Burghardt was previously working as Head of Development for the EELC’s Institute of Theology in Tallinn, as well as advisor to the church for international and ecumenical relations.
Among her previous positions at the LWF Communion Office, Burghardt has served as Study Secretary for Ecumenical Relations, as well as coordinator for the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and content coordinator for the Twelfth LWF Assembly in Namibia in 2017.

LWF General Secretary, Rev. Dr Anne Burghardt. Photo: LWF/S. Gallay
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