Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Council 2015 Resolution - Commending the People of Nigeria The LWF Council encourages Nigeria to continue making gains following free and fair, democratic and peaceful elections in March and April 2015.
Image Journeying Together: LWF Communion in Africa 1955-2015 Journeying Together examines the momentous coming together of African Lutherans for the first time, in 1955 and the legacy of that event in the lif
Image Message from the LWF European Regions' Conference 2014 This message comes from the 2014 meeting of the three LWF regions in Europe (Central Eastern Europe, Central Western Europe, Nordic Countries).
Image Fasting for Climate Justice - A Lutheran Perspective The LWF is calling for a fast on the first day each month until December 2014, when the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 20) to t
Image Theological Framework of the LWF Task Force on Poverty and the Mission of the Church in Africa This paper sketches a biblical-theological framework for the LWF Task Force on Poverty and the Mission of the Church in Africa to establish a posit
Image DWS Complaints Mechanism Policy and Procedure Responding to complaints from stakeholders is core to the LWF Department for World Service's (DWS) commitment to accountability.
Image Guidelines and tools for participatory poverty studies by Churches in Africa Following the resolutions of the LWF Tenth Assembly in 2003 and the Consultation on Poverty and the Mission of the Church in Africa in Arusha, Tanz
Image Gender Justice toolbox cover Gender Justice toolbox Working together for a just, peaceful and reconciled world
Image No One Is Safe Until Everyone Is Safe No One Is Safe Until Everyone Is Safe Advocacy and Policy Engagement on the COVID-19 Pandemic