AL MAFRAQ, Jordan/ GENEVA, 19 November 2015 (LWI) - Raba’a’s children were hungry, but they didn’t complain. They knew the pressure their mother was under to provide for the family. “They notice there’s a difference in the amount of food…
LWF Peace Oasis in Jordan counters the effects of Syrian war
(LWI) - “I wish to become a teacher,” Salam says. The six-year-old girl has just started school and is one of the many children visiting the Peace Oasis in Za’atari refugee camp…
National Bishop Johnson: Living out the call to be a church in mission for others
National and regional staff from several different Lutheran bodies in Canada are coming together for the first time to sponsor a Syrian refugee family. …
Highlighting conflict zones on International Day of People with Disabilities
(LWI) - The rough ground of a public park, which became a camp for people displaced by the ISIS advance, is an unlikely place to see a wheelchair. Especially as…
PARIS, France/GENEVA, 29 November 2015 (LWI) – Saturday, 28 November, marked the beginning of the ecumenical and interfaith cooperation at COP21 in Paris. Four petitions by ACT Now for Climate Justice (part of ACT Alliance), the Global…
LWF Nepal supports networks that empower people living with disabilities
(LWI) – Growing up for Balarni Chaudhary was difficult. She has only one leg and lost her father when she was very young. She felt she was a burden to her family.…
Human Rights Day throws light on abuses in Colombia
(LWI) - "We were left alone with our children. Suddenly we had to be like both parents to them. It was a terrible burden and seemed to be getting worse each day," recalls Yaneth Perez, a…
GENEVA, 10 December 2015 (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) marks Human Rights Day today by denouncing both the recent “vicious” terrorist attacks “in many cities on many continents” and the “unacceptably high death toll” in…
“One moment you want to cry, the other you want to dance,” Antje Jackelen, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden (CoS), summed up her impressions. “We have seen both the strength and the…
(LWI) - It is Saturday morning in Ghusel, a village almost completely destroyed by the earthquake that struck Nepal half a year ago. From the village square the sound of a harmonium can be…