Durante el 23 al 27 de septiembre se llevó a cabo la capacitación sobre la herramienta "Diálogo para el Cambio Pacífico" (DCP). La actividad incluyó catorce participantes de diez iglesias miembro de dos regiones: América Latina y el Caribe, y de...
PORTO BELO / Brasil (LWI) – Alrededor de 500 personas se reunieron entre los días 23 y 24 de septiembre en la Parroquia Itapema del Sínodo Vale do Itajaí de la Iglesia Evangélica de Confesión Luterana en Brasil (IECLB). El encuentro formó parte...
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)-run Augusta Victoria Hospital (AVH) in Jerusalem, which provides life-saving healthcare to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, including specialized treatment offered at…
With mobile clinics for detecting breast cancer and managing diabetes, the Augusta Victoria Hospital brings quality health care closer to people in the West Bank. Its advantage: trust and close relationships with the patients; its biggest…
Cancer patients from Gaza constantly face two challenges: a life-threatening disease and fear for their loved ones back home. LWI spoke to some of the patients during a visit to the Augusta Victoria Hospital
The LWF General Secretary Rev Dr Anne Burghardt visited Jerusalem and the West Bank, witnessing firsthand the impact of the current conflict on the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, and the LWF Jerusalem program.
In this Voices from the Communion, Bishop Azar talks about the impact of the Israel-Palestine conflict on the Palestinian Christians, diaconal work, and how to preach hope during times of war.
LWF and partners condemn the killing of aid workers in Gaza and call for an immediate ceasefire, as well as for the lifting of all restrictions that prevent the delivery of humanitarian aid to a population in desperate need.
Dr Fadi Atrash, CEO of the LWF Augusta Victoria-Hospital in East Jerusalem, has briefed humanitarian staff in different embassies in Geneva on the health care situation in Gaza. After five months of military action, it is “beyond imagination or…