Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Good Friday Message 2019 We on Good Friday wait for the approaching Easter morning with the message of the Resurrected One: “I was dead, and see, I am alive forever and eve
Image Good Friday Message 2018 The cross of crucifixion was chosen by early Christians as the symbol of their faith simply because of what it captured so precisely, writes the LW
Image Webinar participants after the session in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya. Photo: LWF/ P. Omagwa Young women from Kakuma speak about gender justice Webinar from refugee camp in Kenya, brings voices of young refugees (LWI) - Young women in Kakuma refugee camp face many obstacles when aiming for equal opportunities as men and boys. In a webinar: “Emerging Women who Choose to Challenge…
Image Past, present and future Lutheran women in leadership discuss challenges and progress in breaking barriers to affirm womenâs rights and equality. Photo: LWF/S.Gallay Breaking barriers: LWF women in leadership International Women’s Day webinar explores successes and obstacles for past, present and future generations (LWI) - What can be done to break down barriers that prevent women from fulfilling their potential and reaching top leadership…