Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image New Year Message 2018 In New Year Message General Secretary Junge says churches are called to offer a life-giving witness.
Image 2015 New Year Message from the LWF General Secretary In his New Year's Message addressed to the LWF Council and Member Churches, LWF General Secretary, Martin Junge, expresses his gratitude for G
Image New Year Message 2014 from the LWF General Secretary “But as for me, it is good to be near God.” (Psalm 73:28) Dear sisters, dear brothers in Christ,
Image 25° CONGRENAJE: Más de 1.200 Jóvenes Luteranos se encuentran para fortalecer su fe DOMINGOS MARTINS / Brasil (LWI) - Entre los días 16 y 20 de julio, se llevó a cabo el 25º Congreso Nacional de la Juventud Evangélica de la Iglesia Evangélica de Confesión Luterana en el Brasil (IECLB), conocido como CONGRENAJE, en la localidad...