Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Rev. Carlos A. Duarte preaching at the closing worship of the 2016 synod of IERP. Photo: IERP/Eugenio Albrecht Tribute to Rev. Carlos Duarte, Pastor President of the Evangelical Church of the River Plate A committed and caring leader (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has extended its condolences upon the death of Reverend Carlos Alfredo Duarte Voelker, Pastor President of the…
Image Norman was on his way to Nairobi in order to attend the UN Environment Assembly and the launch of the campaign “Roadmap for Congregations, Communities and Churches for an Economy of Life and Ecological Justice”. Photo: LWF/S. Gallay Austrian Pastor Tendis among victims of Ethiopian Airlines crash LWF sends sincere condolences to family and church (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has expressed sincere condolences to the family of Rev. Norman Tendis of the…
Image A woman works in the fields of Ouaddai Province in Eastern Chad. Photo: LWF/Allahramadji Gueldjim 16 Days: Working for women’s economic justice LWF promotes empowerment through skills and leadership training, access to land and seeds (LWI) - Empowering women in the economy and closing gender gaps in the world of work are key to achieving Gender Equality. The Lutheran World…