Voices from the Communion: Bishop Dr Joseph Bvumbwe
(LWI) - The creativity of the The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi (ELCM) youth, the action of its women and the faithfulness of its members is the reason for the church’s record…
Church leaders share messages of hope and life in advance of exceptional Easter
(LWI) - Offering solace and words of hope, leaders from the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) member churches are sending Easter messages during exceptional…
LWF Council member Julia Braband shares insights from a German hospital
(LWI) – Julia Braband has been working in the COVID-19 isolation ward of the Catholic Hospital in Erfurt for six weeks now. In mid-March, when sweeping measures were…
LWF General Secretary Report to the Executive Committee
(LWI) – The changes brought about by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic across the world have compelled The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) to reassess how it implements its…
LWF Finance Chairperson Report to the Executive Committee
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation’s (LWF) “excellent financial performance in 2019 contributed to the stability of the organization,” making it well equipped “to meet the…
In LWF survey member churches report impact of Coronavirus
(LWI) - The Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has posed significant challenges for the member churches of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). A survey in all seven regions revealed…