GENEVA, 2 July 2015 (LWI) – The Global Young Reformer’s Network of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) will meet in Wittenberg, Germany, for a workshop on the Lutheran Reformation. From 22 August…
Order of worship for the 2015 Reformation Sunday period is now available.
The Reformation Sunday liturgy refers to the topic, Human beings - not for sale, one of the sub-themes chosen by the LWF for the 500th Reformation anniversary in…
GENEVA, 18 August 2015 (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has published four new booklets on the 2017 Reformation anniversary theme, Liberated by God’s Grace, and…
LWF Vice President Kwon: Youth bring new inspiration and creativity to the church
(LWI) – Young people at the Wittenberg gathering of youth from all parts of the world have revealed the Reformation projects they will undertake when they…
(LWI) – Rome’s new Piazza Martin Lutero is not only a sign that Lutherans are welcome in the cosmopolitan Italian city but a reminder of Luther’s call for Christians to proclaim the gospel…
GENEVA, 20 October 2015 (LWI) – How do theological questions that triggered the Reformation movement 500 years ago relate to the political and economic realities that face church and society in the 21st century?
WINDHOEK, Namibia/GENEVA, 29 October 2015 (LWI) – The global nature of Lutheran Reformation calls for theological articulation that helps churches to challenge contemporary issues in a world that is increasingly marked by merciless…
NAMIBIA, Windhoek/GENEVA, 2 November 2015 (LWI) - Theology that seeks to contribute to social transformation must relate to the contexts in which it is applied, offer critical and creative approaches and address concrete issues.
An opportunity to learn about the Lutheran Costa Rican Church
(LWI) - The Lutheran Costa Rican Church (ILCO) is showing its commitment to the care for creation by planting 500 trees to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017…