Christian Lutheran Church of Honduras Christlich-Lutherische Kirche Honduras Église chrétienne luthérienne du Honduras Iglesia Cristiana Luterana de Honduras
Youth “effectively contributing to the revival of churches and communities”
(LWI) - The inclusion of young people on all levels is necessary to envision a future of justice and peace. This was the overall agreement shared as The Lutheran…
Sarah Ewoi, Kenya, receives refugees from South Sudan
(LWI) - 46-year-old Sarah Ewoi is a mother of 4, working for the Lutheran World Federation – World Service at the Nadapal Transit Centre in Kenya. The…
Statement from IELCO calls on all parties to uphold peace agreement
(LWI) - The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia (IELCO) has issued a statement urging former combatants not to take up arms and resume a conflict which has claimed…