Preserving habitats for people and nature and experiencing hope and energy in the process is what Bishop Bilz and youth from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony, Germany, experienced in a joint project.
Religious leaders from many Christian churches pray together and receive seeds from young people to symbolize the need to nurture seeds of reconciliation and unity.
Young Lutherans will join the LWF General Secretary, Pope Francis and a host of other Christian leaders for a prayer vigil in the Vatican organized by the ecumenical Taizé community
A board of twelve activists younger than 27 was established to advise the leadership of German development agency Brot für die Welt on matters regarding education and development.
From 2025 the synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany will be composed of equal numbers of men and women and ten percent of people aged 27 and younger.
Four young Christian and Muslim peace activists from Uganda, Kenya, India and Indonesia share experiences and best practices during the annual Geneva Peace Week
GENEVA, 2 July 2015 (LWI) – The Global Young Reformer’s Network of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) will meet in Wittenberg, Germany, for a workshop on the Lutheran Reformation. From 22 August…
WITTENBERG, Germany/GENEVA, 27 August 2015 (LWI) - Rev. Dr Fidon Mwombeki, general secretary of the United Evangelical Mission, Germany, has called on young Lutherans to courageously and…
Indian young reformer plants historic tree at Wittenberg Luther Garden
WITTENBERG, Germany/GENEVA, 28 August 2015 (LWI) – Youth delegates from Lutheran World Federation (LWF) member churches across the world witnessed the first young…