Faith gives our everyday life depth that takes us beyond the material boundaries of the world. We live in relationship with a living God and we have ethical ground to stand on. Still, we are confined to the natural world of wonder and beauty, but…
Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ by caring for our common home
Climate is changing. The atmosphere of the public debate on environmental protection is also changing. COP 24 clearly showed that conversations about joint actions to protect…
The Lutheran World Federation's Youth Pre-Council meeting takes place in Geneva, Switzerland, on the 12 June 2019, the day before the LWF's Council meeting. The meeting prepares young Council members for their work in the Council, giving space to share experiences, learn about developments in related programmatic areas, and giving space for strategic planning so that generational concerns are featured in the Council deliberations and, consequently, in the overall work of the LWF.
Department: Department for Mission and Development
LWF Council adopts resolution on the Situation in North-East and Central Nigeria
(LWI) - During its meeting in Geneva this week, the Council of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) adopted a resolution on the situation in North-East and…
LWF LAC and North America youth reflect on their role in strengthening the church
(LWI) – Elías Pérez sees his specific role as a young reformer from the Mexican Lutheran Church (ILM) as someone who can “build with one hand in my country…