Delegates to the fourth Global Christian Forum gathering in Accra went on pilgrimage to the Cape Coast slave castle and shared stories of their faith journey, as they “discovered the gospel in dialogue with one another.”
LWF Vice-President and head of the LWF German National Committee, Bishop Kristina Kühnbaum Schmidt, recently traveled to Rome for meetings with Ecumenical partners and the LWF member church in Italy.
A seminar in Assisi asks whether a Feast of Creation could become a pivotal part of the church’s liturgical calendar alongside the celebrations of Christmas and Easter
LWF congratulates Rev. Frank Dieter Fischbach on his appointment as new leader of the Conference of European Churches, stressing its vital role in peace and reconciliation
Shedding old stereotypes while learning to trust and listen to other Christians’ stories: Jean-Daniel Plüss takes us inside the first international Lutheran-Pentecostal dialogue
In this Voices from the Communion, Rev. Michael Jonas shares his journey from ordination in Germany’s Black Forest region to leading the Lutheran community in the heart of Rome
As the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity draws to a close, we look ahead to some of the highlights and hopes for the ecumenical agenda over the coming year
"May God bless you in your ministry so that you may continue to be a blessing to others," wrote LWF General Secretary Burghardt to Brother Matthew, who was installed as the new prior of Taizé on the first Sunday of Advent.…