Economic independence is key to women’s empowerment. The LWF Gender Responsive and Inclusive Technical and Vocational Education and Training (GRIT) project in Palestine gives women the skills to open a business and market their produce.
LWF Emergency Response in CAR Targets Women’s Groups
BANGUI, Central African Republic/GENEVA, 18 September 2013 (LWI) – When a group of armed fighters destroyed the offices of a women's association in Ndele, northeastern Central…
(LWI) – Buckets of butter, canned tomatoes and corn, gallons of oil, garden seeds and big white sacks of grain: The community store in Despagne is well stocked. “This is the first time we…
Giving Hope and Material Support to Traumatized Refugees
(LWI) – When she speaks, her voice is barely audible. Sixteen-year-old Mary (all names changed) did not choose to be a mother, but a week ago she gave birth to a baby boy, whom she…
“Common vision to protect dignity of girls and women”
(LWI) – Faith-based organizations have issued a joint statement for advancing women’s rights and denouncing gender-based violence at the 29th session of the UN Human Rights Council. In…
ADJUMANI, Uganda / GENEVA, 20 June 2015 (LWI) – It’s exam time in Ayilo 1 primary school, but Nyaring’s (not her real name) smiling face indicates that maths and social science were not too…
(LWI) - Gender-based violence and poor access to education are among the major human rights challenges for refugees in south western Uganda. That was made clear during a Universal Periodic Review (UPR) workshop at the end of 2015 for local staff…
(LWI) – “We are six people in our tent,” Sory Rasno, 40, says. “At night the wind keeps us awake. There is no privacy, no space. The children start school this year, but they have no place to study. Here we can forget some of our problems.”