Panelists at LWF European church gathering describe varying contexts
(LWI) – “From what have we been liberated and how do we use that freedom?” That was the question discussed on 12 May at The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) regional…
(LWI) - As many Christians around the world anticipate an exceptional Holy Week and Easter period without the traditional physical gathering in church for worship due to the coronavirus pandemic,…
Church leaders share messages of hope and life in advance of exceptional Easter
(LWI) - Offering solace and words of hope, leaders from the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) member churches are sending Easter messages during exceptional…
A Young Reformer from Colombia shares the enthusiasm of youth who are implementing “Living Reformation” projects in Latin America and Caribbean region.
Presence in Heaven’s Tent and youthPointreformation
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) presence in Wittenberg at the World Reformation Exhibition in the last two weeks of July will feature the work of LWF World Service and the Global…
Forms basis for training, dialogue and cooperation
(LWI) - ACT, LWF, and WCC are collaborating on a document on Ecumenical Diakonia, aiming to clarify the understanding of diakonia and provide a common platform for acting and reflecting…
Faith organizations learn UN mechanisms to promote women
(LWI) - Feminist faith actors will be critical to ensuring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are implemented, the director of the UN Women liaison office in Geneva has told a…
Partnership welcomed between FBOs and UN on women’s rights
(LWI) - Lutheran World Federation (LWF) General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge has said faith-based organizations and the UN’s committee on the elimination of discrimination…