Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image WICAS Asia 2014 meeting participants. Photo: LWF/Olivia Payung WICAS Network Meeting in Asia Highlights Contribution of Women to Lutheran Reformation Women on the Move in Asia; When Gender Justice and Recognition Join Hands (LWI) - Thirty-four women and 3 men attended the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Women in Church and Society (WICAS) network meeting in Kuala Lumpa,…
Image Rev. Judith VanOsdol, LWF program executive for Gender Justice and Women's Empowerment. Photo: LWF/S. Gallay LWF’s invitation to “Walk our Talk” and end violence against women and girls Program executive Rev. Judith VanOsdol talks about 16-days campaign and gender justice (LWI) - This year’s global campaign to end violence against women and girls is an opportunity for the Lutheran communion “to renew and reaffirm our…